The Selection Criteria and Process

The Proptech Energy Efficiency Features Standard will be a trusted set of energy efficiency property features which deliver a building performance outcome (the potential for reduced running costs and increased comfort) for the occupant while reducing environment impact.

The selection process will consider of a number of factors to ensure the list delivers benefits to all property customers, whether they be agent and agency facing or consumer facing, as well as delivering on our individual commercial agendas.

To this end, we believe in a robust Proptech Energy Efficiency Features list which will align with Five Key Segments.

  1. NatHERS whole-of-home energy rating certificate - data inputs (whether mandatory or voluntary) and the property upgrade pathways which will be a part of our national conversation.

  2. Finance and banking sector green loan product: targeting specific features

  3. Features-based property appraisal processes – the features must be able to be identified in an open home walk through by property professionals or in with regard to insulation, be verified in a building inspection.

  4. The Features list will include a placeholder for alignment with the Residential Energy Efficiency Disclosure Framework currently under development – outlining the national plan for a Home Energy Rating on all homes at point of sale or rent. This rating would will appear in property advertising alongside other property features. By establishing this cluster of companion energy efficiency features prior to regulation, it enables the Home Energy Rating to “enter” more easily into the system when/if it is mandated.

  5. Utilising the National Construction Code climate zones which will also provide alignment with the Your Home Guide (

  6. The Property Features List will be relevant to new and existing homes

DRAFT set of features will be released to signatories in the 4th Quarter of 2024.

The Timeline

Stages leading to the release of the final set of features which will form the basis of the standard


Baseline research to examine the impact of the status quo

The development of our industry-led energy efficiency standard for property technology is supported by world-class research

The first stage will be baseline research on the current property attribute list as well as the open text fields from property data, over a twelve-month period, supplied by one of our founding signatories, Proptrack.

The research team will identify both the impact of the status quo and the case for the selection and integration of a new set of property features which will form the basis of the energy efficiency features standard.

The final research report will be published and may appear in peer-reviewed academic journals.


Draft list of Energy Efficiency features is developed and reviewed 

The initial set of features will be based on the recommendations stemming from the baseline research report. It will likely take the form of a basic and expanded set of recommended features.

This will enable a staged integration from basic to expanded if required or a direct integration with the expanded list. There will be a formal review of the features list by key experts in the research, energy and technology sector with final presentation and review by signatories to follow.


Final cluster of EE features is made available to signatories

The final features list will be in a CSV format - as a data tree with various levels of possible verification up for grabs. Once integrated the proptech business will be able to use a specifically worded statement to be used as a footer on their website declaring ..

“We are a signatory of the Proptech Energy Efficiency Features Standard”

“… true progress—the inventions that change lives—is the result of targeted efforts to overcome barriers, led not by technology but by the pursuit of solutions.

— Forbes 2023